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The Organizing Committee for the Flushing Poetry Festival was established on September 9, 2018.
The following are the members of the committee and their respective duties:
主任委员: 王渝 严力
Chairperson: Yu Wang; Li Yan
执行委员: 邱辛晔 邢菲 洪君植
Executive Member: Xinye Qiu; Fei Xing; Junzhi Hong
评选委员: 王渝 严力 非马 黄翔 陈铭华
Jury Member: Yu Wang; Li Yan; Fei Ma; Xiang Huang, Minhua Chen
委员: 曹莉 应帆 阮克强 唐简 张耳 张玲 枫雨 赵仁方 李昌林
Member: Belinda Cao; Aiguo Ying; Dave Ruan; Jane Tang; Er Zhang;
Victoria Zhang; Jane Jiang; Frank Zhao; Richard Li
法律顾问: 谢炯
Legal Adviser: Joan Xie

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