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PEN Chinese Writers Abroad Center (CWAC)


英文名:PEN Chinese Writers Abroad Center (CWAC)


CWAC was established in 1993 and chartered as the Center in 1997.


The organisation known today as PEN International began in London, UK, in 1921, simply as PEN.PEN was one of the world’s first non-governmental organisations and among the first international bodies advocating for human rights. The name was conceived as an acronym: ‘Poets, Essayists, Novelists’ (later broadened to ‘Poets, Playwrights, Editors, Essayists, Novelists’).

One of centers of PEN International, CWAC was established in 1993 and chartered as the Center in 1997. The members of CWAC include Chinese writers overseas from US, Canada and Europe who write independently and love to share writing experience with others, in their literary works and dialogue. 

Famous poet and artist Yan Li was elected as new president in June 2018. Since then the CWAC organized a series of discussion, workshop, and lecture in New York that was also connected members via video conference. More programs are schedule throughout year.   


  1. 在此之前的八十年代初,由唐德刚先生发起,在纽约成立了一个联谊性的组织“纽约文艺中心”,吸引了一些同好的朋友经常聚会谈论文学艺术。

  2. 1987年5月,由严力在纽约召集组织的“一行诗社”成立,并出版《一行》文学艺术杂志,活动最密集活跃的八年是1987年5月至1995年5月,聚集了两岸三地的同仁,并出版杂志二十多期。其中的不少成员在1993年加入了刚成立的“海外华文作家必会”。

  3. 笔会历届会长有:丛甦、王渝、陈九、蔡可风等。

  4. 2018年6月笔会改选,会长接任者为严力。会议提名和选举了三位副会長: 邱辛晔、冰果、应帆。


  1. 笔会成员每年的会费是每人20美金。作为国际笔会的成员组织,华文作家笔会每年交给国际笔会的会费是 300-500 美元。国际笔会每年的年会(年会的地点每年不同,2018年9月第84届年会是在印度)邀请笔会两个代表参加。

  2. 笔会设立三位副会长:A:负责保持与国际笔会联络并接收国际笔会各种通告信息,并在笔会开会时通告大家,以便了解国际笔会所关注的全球性问题。B: 负责笔会每年几次会议的安排以及议题的落实。C: 负责一部分笔会成员作品的接收与收集,以便年刊或双年刊的出版。

  3. 会长与副会长都有责任为笔会募集资金。

  4. 2019年7月,笔会举办了年会。会长严力主持,邱辛晔汇报了一年来的工作;冰果报告了与国际笔会的联系和财务。一年来的主要工作包括: 1, 成功申请了联邦501 C(3) 非营利机构资格; 2, 举办了近十个文学活动; 3, 和法拉盛诗歌节、纽约一行联合出版了部分著作。会上其他会员发表了诸多关于本会建设和发展的意见,分享和交流了创作。前会长叢甦肯定了新一届笔会的工作,提出建议,并向笔会捐款。参加年会的部分会员缴纳了会费。



2018年成立的纽约法拉盛诗歌节也有笔会的成员参与组织工作,所以,海外华文作家笔会是诗歌节的合作方, 共享法拉盛诗歌节所获得的非盈利文化组织的免税号码,便于募集资金。


  1. 诗歌节不定期的出版(不局限于诗歌节成员或笔会成员的作品)个人诗集和诗选集。

  2. 笔会将每年或每两年出版一本散文、随笔、微型和短篇小说集(只限笔会成员的作品)。

  3. ​出版资金有笔会、诗歌节负责;鼓励会员自愿捐赠部分费用,并购买作品。




We are not fighting only for ourselves but for the belief we share that every man, of any race and religion, who holds that men should respect each other and minds should be free.

Storm Jameson First female President of English PEN











PEN affirms that:

  • Literature knows no frontiers and must remain common currency among people in spite of political or international upheavals.

  • In all circumstances, and particularly in time of war, works of art, the patrimony of humanity at large, should be left untouched by national or political passion.

  • Members of PEN should at all times use what influence they have in favour of good understanding and mutual respect between nations and people; they pledge themselves to do their utmost to dispel all hatreds and to champion the ideal of one humanity living in peace and equality in one world.

  • PEN stands for the principle of unhampered transmission of thought within each nation and between all nations, and members pledge themselves to oppose any form of suppression of freedom of expression in the country and community to which they belong, as well as throughout the world wherever this is possible. PEN declares for a free press and opposes arbitrary censorship in time of peace. It believes that the necessary advance of the world towards a more highly organised political and economic order renders a free criticism of governments, administrations and institutions imperative. And since freedom implies voluntary restraint, members pledge themselves to oppose such evils of a free press as mendacious publication, deliberate falsehood and distortion of facts for political and personal ends.

Where did our Charter come from?

The Charter of PEN International has guided, unified and inspired its members for over 60 years. Its principles were implicit at the organisation’s founding in 1921. However, like the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the PEN Charter was forged amidst the harsh realities of World War Two. It was approved at the 1948 PEN Congress in Copenhagen.

Galsworthy’s inspiration

PEN’s first president, the British novelist and playwright John Galsworthy, wrote the first three articles of the Charter after the 1926 Congress in Berlin Tensions had arisen then among the assembled writers, and debate had flared over the political versus non-political nature of PEN. Back in London, Galsworthy installed himself in the drawing room of PEN’s founder, Catharine Amy Dawson Scott, to work on a formal statement to ‘serve as a touchstone of PEN action’. Galsworthy’s resolution passed easily at the 1927 Congress in Brussels, and these articles remain part of the PEN Charter.

The onset of war

PEN was tested by the rise of Nazism in Germany, especially at the 1933 Congress in Dubrovnik. A few months earlier, in bonfires across Germany, the Nazi Party had burned many thousands of books it deemed ‘impure’ – that is, inconsistent with, or hostile to its ideology. At the Dubrovnik Congress, led by PEN’s president H. G. Wells, the Assembly of Delegates reaffirmed the Galsworthy resolution as a response to these events. The following day, the German delegation attempted to prevent Ernst Toller, an exiled Jewish-German playwright, from speaking. While some members supported this effort, an overwhelming majority rejected the German position and reaffirmed the principles on which they had just voted. The German delegation walked out of the Congress – and, essentially, out of PEN, until after World War Two.

At the first Congress after the war, in Stockholm in 1946, American PEN – backed by English PEN – presented two resolutions. One urged PEN members ‘to champion the ideals of one humanity living at peace in one world’; the other addressed the issue of censorship. Debate on the wording and scope of the resolution continued at the 1947 Congress in Zurich, but eventually delegates came to an agreement. The resolution became the foundation of the fourth article of the PEN Charter.

From 1948 to the present day

Finally, at the 1948 Congress, the Assembly of Delegates approved the Charter of PEN in its entirety. In 2017 at the 83rd Congress in Lviv, Ukraine, Article 3 was modified so that the former limitation of the classes of ‘hatreds’ which members must oppose (race, class and nations – all identities of key importance in the 1920s) became ‘all hatreds’ and the word ‘equality’ was added.

The Charter’s principles continue to guide and unify our PEN Centres, now in more than 100 countries around the world.

Joanne Leedom-Ackerman Former International Secretary and Vice-President of PEN International


International PEN

Brownlow House ,50-51 High Holborn

London WC1V 6ER, United Kingdon


PEN International
Unit A Koops Mill Mews
162-164 Abbey Street
London SE1 2AN
United Kingdom

​历 任 会 长

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